After three hot dogs and a handful of DORITOS, AND I'm in it.
I actually dig this part of the film making process, the planning, the scouting, hunting down actors and equipment. I'm going to start filming in September, and as much as I want this, I'm not excited. This is not to say that I'm not completely elated to finally be filming, far from it.
I'm out of my crazy over the moon, to finally be in production. The reason I'm not excited, is that I want to keep a level head, to keep my jubilant nature in check, so I can do this the right way. To complete this herculean task with a 100% chance of success. I have the tendency to let my fervor for a thing drive me, and in this case.. I gotta stay on point.
i love film making, I love the technical aspect of it, as much as I love the artistic side of it. I'm looking forward to seeing the actors, breathe new and fresh life in to the characters I created. To see them inhabit the world I've created, and make it live, the same way it lives in my imagination.
I can't wait to take the raw materials of light and art, and sculpt into a compelling visual story. I don't dread any part of this process. Well, that's not true, I will dread the moment this experience is over. When all the acting, editing and creation is over and the film is online.
Which is why I'm going to keep making small films, and then later, larger films. And with every moment I'm not filming, I'll be creating new pieces, and getting them online as soon as possible. I don't one wasted minute spent thinking "Now what am I going to do?". I will continue to write, film, and edit for as long as I have the will, desire, and energy to keep on filming.
I'm obsessed, and which this particular obsession, I've no problem letting it consume me. I'm a filmmaker, this is what I do
The Dark Phoenix rises... And C2E2 love!
8 years ago
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